Addendum 1 : Definition of Crimes

High Crimes shall exist standard across the realm.  Local Crimes are listed unless superceded by a local government municipality’s code of law.

High Crimes

  • Cannibalism:  It shall be forbidden to consume the flesh and organs of a human, humanoid, or any other sentient being — the consumption of animals (cattle, pigs, chickens, fowl, fish, rabbit, deer and the like) is permitted.
  • Contempt of Court:  A person may be found in contempt of court for refusing to honor a court order, be it to surrender evidence, offer testimony, or comply with sentencing.
  • Hate Crime: A crime motivated by bias or other prejudice (race, ethnicity, species, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation). (Enhancement for base criminal charges)
  • Hate Speech: The use of extreme language (either written or verbal) against an individual or a group (as defined in Hate Crime) which either implies a direct threat of physical force against them, or which may be seen as an indirect call for another to use it.
  • Kidnapping:  The act of seizing and taking someone away by force, against their will, typically to demand some form of payment or exchange.
  • Murder:  The act of ending the life of an innocent or non-war enemy.
  • Perjury:  To willfully tell a lie while under Oath.  Perjury does not occur when there is not intent to deceive.  Intent can be proven by the incentive to deceive, such as financial gain, material gain, et cetera.  Perjury is not a valid charge when the testifying party has been coerced by threat of physical harm or financial ruin by members of the proceedings.
  • Slavery:  The act of owning another being, controlling their choices in life.
  • Terrorism:  The unlawful use of force and violence by any group or individual against peoples or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political, social or criminal objectives. (Shall also be considered treason.)
  • Treason:  The act of betraying one's nation; either by giving aid and comfort to an enemy, or by levying war against its peoples and institutions. Any act that would separate the High Council from the Royal Council. Any act that endangers the health or welfare of the sovereign of the Kingdom of Britannia. Any act that would unseat, overthrow, undermine, or usurp the Royal Council's authority or bring harm to them. Any act that threatens an established peace treaty between the Kingdom of Britannia and any other signatory power. Thought alone, without speech or action, is not sufficient to be treasonous.
  • Vampirism:  Vampirism is governed by the Britannian Vampirism Act.

Local Crimes

  • Assault:  Any violent physical or strong verbal attack.
  • Adultery:  Family issues around fidelity of a spouse.  Failure to honor the obligations of marriage.
  • Blackmail:  To coerce money, material objects, behavior, or an act from someone by threat, typically through exposure of a secret or detail that could damage one's reputation.
  • Brigandry:  The act of plundering or stealing by force, threat of force, or harm (see also "Theft").
  • Disturbing the Peace: The act of creating excessive amount of noise in a situation that is inappropriate.
  • Extortion:  See "Blackmail."
  • Fraud:   Deception, trickery, or guile.  The act of using deception to gain advantage, typically monetary.
  • Grave Robbery:  It shall be illegal to disrupt the entombment of a sentient being for the sake of financial or material gain.
  • Harassment:  The act of annoying or bothering someone by repeated verbal attack.
  • Issues of Parentage:  All areas related to adoption or emancipation.
  • Mutilation of a Corpse:  It is found to be an abomination to dismember or otherwise disrupt the peaceful rest of the corpse of a sentient being.  A proper burial is expected.  Orcish trophies and the like are exempted from prosecution.
  • Obstruction of Justice:  The act of blocking an officer of the court from serving a warrant or arresting a suspect, or aiding in the escape or attempted escape of a prisoner.
  • Racketeering:  The act of getting money by fraud, intimidation, or other illegal means.
  • Rape:  An act of assault, typically of a sexual nature, against someone's will or without consent.
  • Slander:  The act of uttering false statements, which injure someone's reputation.
  • Theft:  The act of taking money or possessions from either a being or business that does not belong to you, or have not been paid for.

Special Definitions

    Hate Group: A social group that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, sapient species, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation. This shall also include organizations who espouse superiority over such listed members.

Ratification: The Codex of Laws, as written by High Justicar Tanda, was ratified by vote of the High Council of Britannia during the 88th Session of the High Council, and was so therein passed into law.  Ascenting: Councilors Katerina McCrae for Minoc, Nyarlathotep for Trinsic, Ghislaine de Luc for Yew, Leshyani Rianne for Magincia, Raven for Jhelom, Des Tai for Britain, and Ariyana Sune for Moonglow, no Councilors descenting or abstaining, vote ratified by Chancellor Ra'Dian Fl'Gith.

Ratification of change to the definition of Treason and the addition of Terrorism to the list of statutes - April 5th, 2016 (BY 523)
Ayes: Councilors - Tanda Knighthawke of Minoc, Dot Warner of Britain, PabII of Yew, Thom Jameison of Jhelom, Norman Arminger of Trinsic, Kittie of Moonglow. Adjutants - Bentley of Skara Brae. Ministers - Minister of Virtue Hla-ate, Minister of Foreign Affairs Todie. Nays: 0. Abstains: 0.

Ratiication of addition of Hate Group, Hate Crime and Hate Speech to the list of statutes - August 7th, 2017 (BY 539)
Ayes: Councilors - Dot Warner of Britain, Adjutants - Ariel Thorne of Yew. Ministers - Minister of Foreign Affairs Todie. Nays: Councilors - Tanda Knighthawke of Minoc, Guntur Kivlov of Newcastle. Abstains: 0.