The governors of Britain, Jhelom, Minoc, Moonglow, New Magincia, Skara Brae, Trinsic, Vesper and Yew have come together in conjunction with the High Council of Britannia present the annual Trans-Britannia Derby. This horse race spans the Britannian continent, following the main roads through the kingdom's major cities.
The THREE fastest riders will recieve:
First Place: Valorite Trophy and a Premium Mount (choice of one: Charger of the Fallen, Eowmu, Lasher, Skeletal Cat or Windrunner)
Second Place: Verite Trophy and 8 million gold
Third Place: Agapite Trophy and 5 million gold
All participants must preregister at least 5 minutes before the event. |
All participants must ride a LIVE horse (NO ethereals). |
All participants must remain on the road at all times, no cutting through the woodlands. |
All participants must pass through each checkpoint in order. (Note: there are hidden checkpoints!) |
All use of teleport, recall, sacred journey, gate travel, moongates and bracelets of binding are prohibited. |
Starting from the mainland dock in Skara Brae, the race will follow the road north to the Yew Crossroad, and then east through the Crossroads of Britannia. Riders will then continue east across the Bloody Plains, south around the Mountains of Avarice, then north to Minoc and across the bridge north of The Stretched Hide to go around the southern face of Mt. Kendall and across the bridge towards Vesper. After following the road, riders will then pass over the northern bridge of Vesper, head around The Mint of vesper and across the western bridge and then follow the road back to the Crossroads of Britannia. Once there, they will head south through the Bog of Desolation and into Britain. Once in Britain, riders will pass around the south of the Cavalry Guild, head over the Virtue's Pass Bridge, pass through the Poor Gate near Castle Britannia, head south past the First Bank of Britannia and then out of the city over the Gung Farmer's Bridge. Riders will then race along the southern road through Spiritwood and through the West Trinsic Gate. Once in Trinsic, riders will head east to the intersection just past the Keg and Anchor where they will head south then immediately east towards the Rusty Anchor. Riders will then dash to the finish line at the Trinsic Docks.
In-City Routes: